Financial Resources

AFF will support students with access to commercial finance to sustain and expand their businesses.

AFF will provide microloans to students to help them engage in meaningful agricultural production and output. These loans will be paid off with no interest rates after the student make a successful harvest and sells their produce. Once the loans are repaid, it will be reinvested into other projects.

AFF links students to markets while supporting them in the negotiation of contract and farming agreements with buyers.


Job Creation

For our paid services, we employ the human resources found in the village we work in. By doing so, we create jobs and income for young men and women who become self-sustaining, and can provide for their needs’ and families’.


Livestock play many roles in supporting poorest families. It provides a protein source and basic food (meat, eggs) for the families, and with proper management, it opens new opportunities for poor farmers to make income. Livestock play an important role in sustainable agriculture system for their ability to convert renewable resources into food that fit for human consumption. At the end of their training, students will receive livestock start small agri-businesses to help them create income.


At AFF training center, students learn and implement sustainable farming techniques on different crops. AFF focus on variety of crops that are rotated to enhance the soil and increase production. The crops produced will provide food for the students, their families, and food for small livestock. At the end of their training, students will receive seed funding to start small agri-businesses. For example, growing corn, cassava, chilies and tomatoes.


African Future Farmers (AFF) recognizes the importance of opening a Research and Development Center (RDC) in strengthening research for development in Benin. The RDC will support formal and informal training activities as part of the AFF strategy to improve food security and reduce poverty in the region. AFF use a variety of training approaches, which include individual short-term and long-term courses and group trainings. The following are our focus:

  • Production & Processing Techniques
  • Risk Management & Quality Control
  • Distribution & Marketing
  • Income & Household Resources Management